5 Quotes & Sayings By Satyaankith

Satyaankith is an award-winning journalist and the author of the novel "A Million Little Pieces". He has written for over 300 magazines, including The New York Times, Travel & Leisure, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Glamour, Men's Health and many others. His articles have appeared in The Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer and Chicago Tribune. He has also appeared on numerous television programs including The Today Show and CNN's Headline News Read more

His work has been anthologized in several books including Best American Travel Writing (2007) and Best Women's Travel Writing (2008). Satyaankith lives with his wife in New York City.

Some says that happiness exists in success..money..and in many more which they feels higher in their thoughts. But, how much they will worth if you are losing yourself....so do something for which your soul can find it's presence in purity, divinity and more than what you can expect from others to love your works. Satyaankith
Enemy from within is always worst than outside devils. Satyaankith
If anyone scolds you., just receive it thankfully. Because, they wants you to become a best person than before. Satyaankith
Don't give any chance for others to stole your smile.. Because, it is the most valuable asset than anything in this world! Satyaankith